Get Premium Quality Thermocouples for your Aluminium Smelters Industry.

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Aluminium smelting process involves distributing of refined alumina in pots or cell containing chemical or electrolytic bath. A high electrical current is conducted through the electrolytic cells in the process which results in a high of around 960oC temperature in the region. Efficiency of this process depends on accurate controlling of temperature, otherwise the pots or cells breakage is a possibility.

Temperature control solutions are thus important for the correct operation of a pot in the aluminium smelter.

Thermocouples for Aluminium Smelters

We, at Eureka, have developed a range of highly advanced temperature measurement and control solutions including theormocouples and gauges and other accessories that can make the various Stages of the process , such as Cast House - Melting Furnace, Launder, Casting Table, Carbon Baking Kiln -Flue wall and others.. stable and efficient.

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